My Heart Is Yours  

Scribbled by kArLaLa

Okay so after watching Episode 160 of Bleach, I can't help but wonder that I've been hearing so much of "My-heart-was-always-with-you" thing.

[to Aaroniero Arleri who is in the form of Kaien's body] I remembered where his heart is! You may have Kaien-dono's body, But that's not where Kaien-dono is! I was entrusted with Kaien-dono's heart.

After that, I remembered the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Will gave Elizabeth his heart.

Will Turner:
[to Elizabeth, about his heart] It was always yours… Will you keep it safe?

And then suddenly saw Agnoy's YM Stat Message o_O

Agnoy's YM Stat: Look after my heart -- I've left it with you.

Char!! I wonder who I'm gonna give my heart to... hehehe~

Vampire Knight  

Scribbled by kArLaLa

OMG. I can't believe Vampire Knight is gonna be out as an Anime this April 7!! ^_____^ Waaaaa.. Kaname and Zero are both so HOT!! And the characters are so preeeetttyyyy~ Gosh, I'm such a sucker for bishies. ^^ hehehe~

Mou, I can't wait!!! @.@

Silent Moon Street: About Moon Street  

Scribbled by kArLaLa

Based on my poem Silent Moon Street, Moon Street actually exists in Hong Kong. Together with Sun Street, they complement Star Street. I think that street site contains one of Hong Kong's First Electric Power Plant.

"The three luminaries (lights) are the sun, the moon and the stars."

And since it has something to do with the power plant, so yeah... the lights! ^^ hehehe~

-Taken from Batgung (八公)

I didn't actually know Moon Street existed somewhere in the world. I just kinda made it up at first 'coz I thought that Moon kinda represented the love for the girl towards the guy.

The love was not working out, kinda gloomy or something but deep inside the girl, the love was still there. Hence, the Moon, shining whilst the night is present. So yeah, that's how I got it.

The fact that Moon Street is the site for Hong Kong's First Electric Power Plant kinda makes my poem a little less romantic, ne? ^^;; hehehe~

Silent Moon Street  

Scribbled by kArLaLa

Silent Moon Street
By: kArLaLa

You give false hopes,
Yet I can't shrug it off.
You smile at me,
But it was just a bluff.

The feeling you felt before,
When you were going out with her.
Was never evident,
When we are together.

You told me there's nothing anymore,
That there's nothing more you feel.
You told me that I didn't understand,
And that I'll never will.

I stopped working hard,
I finally listened to my friends.
They told me I was too engrossed at you,
And that these feelings will never end.

I threw you off my mind,
I left for another place.
Yet as I try to move on,
All I see is your smiling face.

356 days, I spent,
I spent to forget about you.
Forget about your brown hair,
Forget about your eyes, azure blue.

Yet now you stand before me,
Right across Silent Moon Street.
Tears came rushing down my face,
As our eyes began to meet.

I began to tremble, I miss you,
I haven't seen you for a year.
A smile shot out from your face,
But all in mine... was fear.

The next thing I knew,
Your arms are around me.
"Why are you here?
Are you here to see me?"

I tell you to go,
I'm sure my eyes, too, say so.
But my hand's on your wrist,
Refuse to let go.

You held unto my hand,
"I want another chance."
I wasn't able to speak,
Not until Moon Street showed silence.

You said the three words,
They're so hard to believe.
"What have I done wrong?
Why did you leave?"

Oh Silent Moon Street,
Engulfing me, my throat went dry,
I couldn't say anything,
I didn't know why.

I asked myself,
What the reason was.
I gave up and left,
What was the cause?

My eyes went wide,
My tears came down.
My face went pale,
My mouth a frown.

No matter how much,
I'm not okay without you.
I know you'll always be,
Okay without me.

My hand left his,
As I let my tears flow.
I dropped my head,
And I turned to go.

Oh Silent Moon Street,
Curse everything that happened.
Your serenity still amidst,
When everything has ended.

Okay, so that's it. So, how did you like it? ;) Comment, guys!